Shelzsmide K9s: Dog Training of Naples

We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of dog training for your family companions.

We train through positive reinforcement, not negative stimulus, because we care about your relationship with your dog. Our method is firm but fair. We utilize the dogs’ innate instincts; rewarding and reinforcing appropriate behavior. Whatever your needs, Shelzsmide K9s can help.

  • Puppy S.T.A.R program and AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
  • Private lessons available
  • Evaluations / Consultations
  • Individualized dog training programs catered to you and your dogs specific needs
  • Boot camp training options targeting basic manners, behavior modification, and real world on and off-leash control
  • Puppy Pre K
  • Day drop offs appointments only 
  • Fair and Honest pricing

Core Services

  • Obedience

    It’s never too early to start training your new companion. 8 weeks or 8 months we’ve got the class for you..

  • Boarding

    Let Shelzsmide K9s professional staff make your vacation travels stress free. Learn more…

  • Puppy Pre K

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  • Boot Camp

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When you contact Shelzsmide K9s, you’ll personally speak with owner and trainer Michelle Delaney.
Michelle has over 20 years experience training dogs in Southwest Florida.

Call us at 239.206.3647 (DOGS)

or email us:

5 + 2 = ?

Shelzsmide K9s

45th Avenue Northeast
Naples, FL 34120

Phone: 239-206-3647

Michelle Delaney

Michelle Delaney

Owner / Handler / Training Director

Michelle Delaney

Michelle started dog training after purchasing a “personal protection dog” that was a fear biter and bite everyone that came close to him. Trainer after trainer tried “fixing ” him, the only thing that happened: He became more aggressive. Michelle started taking classes going to workshops and training in a positive, self rewarding, style. Michelle uses Operant conditioning, word association between a behavior and a consequence, better known as response-stimulus conditioning. Michelle forms an association between the dogs response [behavior] and the stimulus that follows [consequence] A positive reinforcer is anything that increases a behavior .. makes it occur more frequently, makes it stronger, or makes it more likely to occur. A negative is anything that decreases a behavior .. makes it occur less frequently, makes it weaker, or makes it less likely to occur.

The results were amazing the dog never “fixed” but became a tolerable compassionate loving part of the family, reliable to protect Michelle, and dependable enough to take everywhere. That inspired Michelle to continue training in this manner. Today Michelle uses positive reinforcement, food, praise, toys and negative motivation to instill the desirable behavior we are looking for in the dog.

Dog Training, Pet Dog Trainers