With our 4-week Boot Camp Board and Train, we focus on building a solid foundation for your dog and work through the stages of training at the dog’s pace. We will expose your dog to a variety of different environments, distractions, and situations during our Boot Camp Training. All behaviors are taught with high-level distraction proofing.
- Sit and Extended Sit (Dog remains in position until released)
- Down and Extended Down
- Loose Leash and Off-Leash Walking
- Come on command (outside, off-leash, with distractions)
- Greeting Manners (not jumping)
- Waiting politely at doors and gates (wait when they are opened until released)
- Waiting politely for meals (wait until released)
- Training with distractions (dogs and people)
- Place and Extended Place (Jump up and sit on any object you point to on command and stay there until released)
- Heel Command (off-leash, will come around the right side of your body and sit down right beside of your left leg).
- Emergency down